
For manual9.59.5 mm3/8HSCF306FHSCF309F※Socket holder is available for separate purchase. Please see P171 for details.CAUTION●Do not use with power tools.For hand tool3SCF-17F3SCF-21FExampleModelsAcross Flat (mm)Dimensions(mm)Qty./CartonWeight (g)SDATLL1(Generally)(Store Center)3SCF-08F818 5 9.55121106653SCF-10F1022 6.5 9.55322106703SCF-11F1123 7 9.55322.5106703SCF-12F1225 8105523106753SCF-13F1326 9105825106803SCF-14F1428.5 9116026106903SCF-15F153010.5116127106953SCF-16F163211116327.51061003SCF-17F1734111365281061153SCF-18F1834.5121366291061203SCF-19F1935121367301061203SCF-21F21371514.570321061303SCF-22F22391614.57132106135FLEX CROW FOOT WRENCHFirst ‘Flexible Crow foot wrench’ in the world!Set the angle of neck freely.Ideal for tightening and loosening pipings and sensors that used in air conditioner, hydraulic equipment and automobile.Improved work efficiency by using a socket holder (aluminum type) that allows easy removal.DescriptionsModelsFLEX CROW FOOT WRENCH3SCF-08F, 10F, 12F, 13F, 14F, 17F●SH1306 with socket holder (6 items type) ●Weight : 0.56kg●Package size : w216 x d106 x h52mm ●Qty./Carton : 1ModelsHSCF306FContents6 ItemsFLEX CROW FOOT WRENCH SET (with SOCKET HOLDER)ModelsHSCF309FContents9 ItemsDescriptionsModelsFLEX CROW FOOT WRENCH3SCF-08F, 10F, 12F, 13F, 14F, 17F, 19F, 21F, 22F●SH1310 with socket holder (10 items type) ●Weight : 0.97kg●Package size : w326 x d96 x h37mm ●Qty./Carton : 1156

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