
L-shapedBLB-04SBLB-08SBLB900SManufactured from high alloy steel, which offers high torque, durability, and abrasion resistance. Heat-treated alloy steel and hard chrome plating provide high strength and resistance, increasing work efficiency and safety.Ball-pointed design allows quick-turning and temporary tightening. Special alloy steelinch sizeCAUTION●Ball-point portion is made thinner. Do not apply excessive force when using ball-point type.Ball point type※Inch/mm conversion chart is available in P489.ModelsAcross FlatDimensions (mm)Qty./CartonWeight(g)(inch)(mm)HLBLB-02S1/161.54 9011BLB-2.5S5/641.9510012BLB-03S3/322.3611213BLB-04S1/83.1812618BLB-05S5/323.99140115BLB-06S3/164.711160125BLB-07S7/325.512170138BLB-08S1/46.313180148BLB-10S5/167.916200190BLB-12S3/89.5182241148Models BLB-02S2.5S03S04S05S06S08S10S12SAcross Flat(inch)1/165/643/321/85/323/161/45/163/8(mm) ball point type, it can be tilting until 30 degreeObstacleShort neckShort-neck part is very useful for using at a narrow place.●With a holder●Weight : 0.31kg●Qty./Carton : 6SHORT NECK LONG BALL POINT HEX KEY WRENCH L-TYPEModelsBLB900SContents9 ItemsSHORT NECK LONG BALL POINT HEX KEY WRENCH SET L-TYPE293

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