
Closed barrel crimpOpen barrel crimpWire strip and wire cutInsulated terminal crimp (INS)TranscriptionSuitable terminalTranscriptionSuitable terminalTranscriptionmm2Suitable wiringTranscriptionmm2Suitable wiringCoaxial cable crimp (3C)AWGsq(Squere)AWGsq(Squere)0.5For 0.5sq0.3For 0.3sq  025 type0.05300.05sq0.3220.3sq1.25For 1.25sq0.5For 0.5sq  040 type0.08280.08sq0.5200.5sq2.0For 2.0sq1.25For 1.25sq 090 type1.12260.12sq0.85180.75(f)sq, 0.85sq0.2240.2sq1.25161.25sqJapanese Automotive Standards OrganizationFor wiring work such as cutting, coat peeling, crimp, etc.Also usable with car wiring work.ModelsDimensions (mm)Qty./Carton(Generally)Weight(g)T1T2H1H2LCMP-200536117.922.52206193T2H2H1T1LELECTRIC PLIERWARNING●The handle is not insulated. Do not use on live lines.●This product is a simplied crimper which does not have ratchet mechanism.This is not able to be used for the work guaranteeing the reliability.Open barrelClosed barrelFor removing resin clip of automobiles.Possible to work in deep place since the tip is bent.CLP-150ExampleFor removing resin clip of automobiles.Ideal tool for remove resin clip of thin head.With a stopper to prevent breakage of resin clip.CLP-150NExampleModelsDimensions (mm)Qty./CartonWeight(g)L(Generally)(Store Center)CLP-15015966136ModelsDimensions (mm)Qty./CartonWeight(g)L(Generally)(Store Center)CLP-150N15466110CLIP PLIERSCLIP PLIERSWARNING●Plastic handle is not for insulation. Do not use on live lines.WARNING●Plastic handle is not for insulation. Do not use on live lines.CMP-200404

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