
TONE brand principleTONE CO., LTD. was founded in 1938 as a manufacturer of premium professional work tools. Founder, Gunji Maeda, used the name of TONE as our brand for all of our own products. TONE was named in honor of the Tone River flowing through the central part of the Kanto region, one of the largest rivers in Japan and playing a variety of roles including irrigation and water transport.He selected the name based on his belief that “TONE” was perfectly suited to exceptional products that would earn customers’ respect in Japan as well as in the world. TONE has been a familiar name to consumers as our brand since 1941. Since its foundation, TONE CO., LTD. has been working on manufacturing products that are relied on by professional workers all around the world. We also provide "satisfaction", "impression" and "value" to customers by solving tightening problems.We have been expanding our business fields from professional work tools, torque control, tightening equipment, and a new bolting equipment that combines our accumulated knowledge.We continue to commit "fastening business" that is integrated into our company DNA and enhance TONE brand to be selected by customers.We are proud to deal with a diverse range of tightening tasks.Establishing the future of the reliable global brand “ ” in the spirit of bolting solutions

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