
CAUTION●Turn on the brake while using cabinet.●Place cabinets on at space.※Self assembly cabinet set.The photo is for reference only.For safety, please do not open more than 2 drawers.A tool cabin is available for separate purchase. Please see P104.A work cabin is available for separate purchase. Please see P107.9.5 mm3/89.5 mm3/8●Extendable top board, 3 drawers● 2 drawers, 1 open cabinetThe photo is for reference only.For safety, please do not open more than 2 drawers.■TC7001R Dimensions■ TC1701R DimensionsDashboardTop board surfacePartition ditch boardDescriptionsModels/SpecicationsPageSOCKET (6pt.)3S-08, 10, 12, 13, 14, 17, 19, 21, 22P.146DEEP SOCKET (6pt.)3S-08L, 10L, 12L, 14LP.150PLUG SOCKET (6pt. with MAGNET)3P-16S, 20.8SP.388RATCHET HANDLE (SOCKET HOLD TYPE)RH3HP.157EXTENSION BAR305(75mm), 306(150mm)P.169WOBBLE EXTENSION BAREX31-300(300mm)P.169BALL JOINTBJ30P.170SPANNERDS-5.507, 0810, 1012, 1113, 1214, 1417P.313MECHANIC OFFSET WRENCH,LONG TYPEM44-0810, 1012, 1214, 1417, 1921, 2224P.321SHORT OFFSET WRENCHM46-1012P.321LONG OFFSET WRENCHM15-1012, 1417P.322FLARE NUT WRENCHM26-1012P.335ADJUSTABLE WRENCHMW-300P.368COMBINATION SLIM PLIERSCPS-200GP.368NEEDLE NOSE PLIERSRP-150GP.375DIAGONAL CUTTING PLIERSKN-150GP.376POWER GRIP SCREWDRIVER (THROUGH TYPE)PGMD-075, 100⊖Hexagon screwdriverP.340PGPD-001, 002, 003⊕Hexagon screwdriverP.340POWER GRIP STUBBY SCREWDRIVERPGSD-M2⊖Hexagon screwdriverP.340PGSD-P2⊕Hexagon screwdriverP.340HEAVY DUTY SCREWDRIVERYMD-150⊖Square axis & plastic gripP.341BALL PEEN HAMMERBH-10(1 pound)P.437BRAKE SHOE ADJUSTING TOOLBST-110P.409CHISELFC165(19×165mm)P.432PUNCHCP125(125mm)―SCRAPERSSC-22P.436LONG BALL POINT HEX KEY WRENCH SETBL900(BL-1.5, 02, 2.5, 03, 04, 05, 06, 08, 10)P.290TOOL CASETC7001R or TC1701RP.104・P.107TCA370TCA380High quality carbon fiber tray!High quality carbon fiber tray!Keep all items organized and prevent lossProduct model & size indication441714536 or 706212 or 382715 or 900885851 (Full extension)The handleEmblemPropShelfDrawerCasterTop board surfaceDrawer lock mechanismModelsTCA370ContentsAll 63 ItemsTOOL CABIN SET●With trays ●Weight : 49.4kg ●Qty./Carton : 3●Load capacity drawers : 392N (40kgf)●Load capacity top board : 49N (5kgf) ●Max load capacity : 2450N (250kgf)ModelsTCA380ContentsAll 63 ItemsWORK CABIN SET●With trays ●Weight : 35.4kg ●Qty./Carton : 3●Load capacity drawers : 196N (20kgf)●Load capacity shelf : 294N (30kgf)  ●Max load capacity : 883N (90kgf)※Self assembly cabinet set.For maintenanceFor maintenanceCarbon designed trayCarbon designed trayGood Design award winning itemGood Design award winning item■Tray parts numberFirst trayTCK001Second trayTCK002An exclusive new model with high quality tray, which arranges your items neatly with size and product indication, preventing from item lost.First traySecond tray■Layout examples66

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